Stair Lift Flip-Up Rail
Some of our stair lifts can be outfitted with lots of great optional add-ons to suit your individual needs and preferences. One of our best innovations is the flip-up stair lift rail - a section of track near the bottom of your stair lift that is hinged and lets you lift up the rail section to provide additional space.
This flip-up rail section can be useful in a wide variety of situations. Here's a few examples!
- You have a door at the bottom of the stair case opposite the bottom step that can't be opened or closed when the stair lift chair is fully descended.
- There is a door or closet at or within 12 inches of the bottom step on the same side of the stairwell that the stair lift and track are located.
- If there is a high traffic area where the stair lift meets the floor and you want to prevent trips and falls.
Our mobility experts can help you determine if a flip-up rail section will be helpful when you call to place your order - contact us now at 1 (800) 790-1635 for details!