Cephus and Verlene McGee
Cephus and Verlene McGee

We're all human. Good people sometimes make decisions that don't work out. That's what happened to the McGees. "We were in a financial dilemma because of an investment we made to buy other property, which got us into a terrible situation," Cephus explains.
Verlene adds, "We were also helping our daughter. We had to support her financially because she had no income and was starting college."
Where do honest folks turn when bills are mounting and money isn't coming in fast enough to keep up? "One day I realized, we can't take the house with us when we go," Verlene says. "So we might as well see what kind of income we can get from a reverse mortgage."

So they called a Reverse Mortgage Consultant from MetLife Bank. "She was very helpful, and never tried to push it," Verlene says. "She said, 'now you think about it and talk it over with your children, and get some input from them.' She was never aggressive - she was educational."
The result? "We paid off some debts and that freed up some income we had coming in, so we were able to save and put more money in the bank," Cephus says.
Verlene adds, "We wanted things to be better for our daughter, and they are, partly because of the reverse mortgage."
If there's one thing they could tell other older adults thinking about a reverse mortgage, what would it be? "I feel this is one of the best decisions that we could have made, and we're grateful for the reverse mortgage," Cephus says. "It gives you a real sense of security." Verlene sums it up this way: "I feel happy, lighter. Life seems a lot easier to deal with now."
Isn't it nice when good things happen to good people?